
Meet Your Application's Demands

Our thermally regenerated liquid desiccant air conditioner is ideal for many commercial building applications today.  It installs like a conventional DOAS and needs only an electrical connection: no chilled water, domestic water, or gas line required!  Whether you are looking for an efficient dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS), needing to deliver air at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit dewpoint, or just removing a large quantity of moisture from air the Mojave ArctiDry is right for you. 


Mojave HVAC Grocery Store Application

The Most Efficient Way to Control Condensation

Mojave provides the only packaged solution that can inexpensively and single-handedly control condensation and frost formation in supermarkets, maintaining dew points as low as 40F in critical humidity control zones. Mojave’s liquid desiccant technology efficiently dehumidifies the air without overcooling and allows the user to independently specify a supply air dry bulb and dew point. Mojave’s ArctiDry also cost less than a comparable solid desiccant wheel unit and use less energy, as shown in the table below, all while cleaning the air with the natural biocidal properties of liquid desiccant

Grocery Application Brief


A Breath of Fresh Air for Healthcare Facilities

Mojave’s ArcticDry units are the only packaged solution on the market that can effectively handle operating room outdoor air requirements using only electricity: no chilled water or gas required. Mojave’s liquid desiccant technology cools and dehumidifies the air, enabling the user to independently specify a supply air dry bulb and dew point. Mojave units also cost less than a comparable solid desiccant wheel unit and use less energy, as shown in the table below, all while cleaning the air with the natural biocidal properties of liquid desiccant.

Healthcare Application Brief

Other Dehumidification

Mojave HVAC Process Dehumidification Application

Precise Control for Temperature and Dew Point

Mojave’s ArctiDry excels in addressing the demands of process dehumidification applications. Mojave units are capable of operating solely on electricity: no hot or cold water utilities needed. ArctiDry leverages vapor compression and liquid desiccant systems allowing precise control of both temperature and dew point. Distinguished by their cost-effectiveness when compared to solid desiccant wheel systems, Mojave units exhibit heightened energy efficiency.


Mojave HVAC Education Application

Improve Student Health and Academic Performance

Mojave’s ArctiDry DOAS provides a solution ideal for schools seeking excellent Indoor Air Quality and energy-efficiency. Better ventilation has been shown to improve both student health and academic performance. Now the ArctiDry can provide these benefits at even lower energy cost than conventional DOAS: why would you choose anything else?

Education Application Brief

Multifamily & Hospitality

Provide a Luxury Experience with Improved Air Quality

Mojave’s ArctiDry DOAS reduces your cost to ventilate. Further, liquid desiccant technology improves indoor air quality providing building occupants a luxury experience that cost you less than a budget solution.

Office & Other commercial

Reduce Energy Consumption and Improve IAQ

Mojave’s ArctiDry DOAS is an innovative packaged solution focused on reduced energy consumption and improved IAQ. Mojave’s liquid desiccant technology cools and dehumidifies the air, enabling the user to independently control dew point and dry bulb setpoints. Mojave DOAS boasts superior efficiency, and lowest total cost of ownership when compared to legacy DOAS technologies.

Are You Ready to Change?