
Mojave HVAC ArctiDry Unit

Introducing ArctiDry

Mojave’s ArctiDry is an innovative, next generation liquid desiccant air conditioner and dehumidifier that can reach dewpoints as low as 35F without the need for reheat. It also has the ability to operate in heat pump mode as low as 10F ambient, with supplemental heating options, including gas, electric, and hot water. AcrtiDry installs like conventional packaged HVAC equipment and is easy to operate and maintain. 

How Does ArctiDry Work?

Drop-in Replacement for Packaged Rooftop and DOAS Applications

Installing and operating like traditional equipment, ArctiDry is configurable to handle up to 6,000 CFM, 20 to 60 tons, and offers multiple heating options, including: a reversible heat pump, gas, electric, hot water. ArctiDry is the next generation of sustainable HVAC, and can reach dew points as low as 35F.  Work with an authorized Mojave Rep to find the right fit for your business.

Reducing Energy Use

With an unparalleled ISMRE rating as high as 11 lbs/kWh, it’s twice as efficient as conventional Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) and more than double the Department of Energy (DOE) standard of 3.8 lb/kWh required as of May 1,  2024. Additionally, independent dew point and temperature control can be used to unlock building-wide energy savings by raising chiller temperatures or running dry coils

Lowering Costs

Efficiency translates into real energy and operating savings for you or your customers.  Further, the price of our equipment will be competitive with the equipment used today. In this example we compare Mojave to a conventional DOAS for a typical application in the Washington D.C. area.  Mojave offers a 16 months simple payback and savings of approximately $50,000 over the life of the unit. 

Mojave HVAC_Lowering Cots Table
Mojave HVAC Performance Table Image


Mojave provides the only packaged solution that can inexpensively and single-handedly maintain dew points as low as 40F in critical humidity control zones. Mojave’s liquid desiccant technology efficiently dehumidifies the air without overcooling and allows the user to independently specify a supply air dry bulb and dew point.

Product Guide

Installation & Operation Manual