About Us

Mojave has a mission to change the nature of air conditioning.

For over 100 years, the way we cool buildings hasn’t changed much, until now. Mojave produces novel liquid desiccant systems targeting energy efficiency and reducing the climate impact of HVAC. We are setting out to change the world one A/C unit at a time! 

Mojave significantly lowers financial and climate expenses, while improving comfort and air quality, without compromising product reliability:

Reduce energy draw by 40-60% compared to today’s legacy air conditioners. Future products will offer savings of 80% or more

Able to abate 100 million tons CO2e with an eye to 1 billion tons in the future.

Deliver fresh outside air into buildings and allow independent control of humidity and temperature to maximize comfort.

Proven to operate reliably through tens of thousands of hours of equipment testing.

Priced in line with other HVAC hardware and providing greater energy savings over the life of the equipment, saving tens of thousands of dollars

We are a Values Driven Organizaiton
Respect, Integrity & Trust
We value others' thoughts and feelings as much as our own. We treat everyone with respect, considering their person, time, and perspective. Our interactions are marked by integrity and honesty, and trust.
We pursue excellence in every endeavor, ensuring our work is unparalleled. Consistently show insight and creativity in finding solutions that are accurate, free of mistakes, and well-executed.
We identify, prioritize, and complete goals in a timely manner that meaningfully moves our company forward to enhance our world.
We're on this journey together. We each have a part to play. Sometimes we need to put others first to meet our collective goals and develop one another.
We rely on data to inform our discussions and decisions. Gather all the needed information from all perspectives and make decisions objectively based on all the facts
Growth Mindset
We recognize, accept, and learn from failures. Desire, request, and provide feedback.
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A Decade in the Making
2012 - 2015
Mojave HVAC Desalination Battery

Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) explores salt water battery

Mojave HVAC Site Logo in Purple

Salt Water Battery selected for CalSEED Award

Q4 2017

Liquid desiccant regenerator (RAD-AC) developed for Air Conditioning

Q4 2018
Mojave HVAC Site Logo in Purple

RAD-AC is selected for
the DOE BENEFIT award &
wins first place at  iMatSci Innovation Showcase

Q4 2020
Mojave HVAC First Fully Operational Regenerator

Full RAD-AC system demonstrated

Q4 2021
Mojave HVAC Subscale Alpha

First thermal regeneration sub scale system prototype

Q2 2022
Mojave HVAC Full Scale Alpha

First thermal regeneration full scale (alpha) system prototype

Q3 2022
Mojave HVAC Beta Completed

Engineering Validation unit (beta) 1 completed

Q4 2022
Mojave HVAC Site Logo in Purple

Mojave spin-out from PARC

Q1 2023
Mojave HVAC Unit in Field

First beta unit installed in field

Q2 2023
Mojave HVAC A Cabinet

Production design finalized

Q1 2024
Mojave HVAC Site Logo in Purple

Product launch and ordering available 

The Mojave Difference

Air conditioning is responsible for the equivalent of 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide released annually, or 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The problem is expected to worsen as consumers in more countries rapidly install many more air conditioners. Mojave air conditioning units are able to abate 100 million tons CO2e with an eye to a billion tons in the future. 

Air conditioning and electric fans account for about a fifth of the total electricity used in buildings around the world – or 10% of all global electricity consumption today. Mojave air conditioning units reduce energy draw by 40-60% compared to today’s legacy air conditioners. Future products will offer savings of 80% or more.

Air quality can have significant impacts on our cognitive function, including ability to focus, response times, and productivity, according to recent research conducted at the Harvard. In fact, the importance of indoor air quality is becoming more broadly recognized. Mojave units deliver fresh outside air into buildings and allow independent control of humidity and temperature to maximize comfort.

The technology underlying our platform is a third-generation liquid desiccant dehumidification system.  We have learned the lessons of the past and have designed our product for reliability and maintenance that matches or exceeds today’s equipment. We’ve proven this through tens of thousands of hours of equipment testing.

In today’s economy, prices and costs are a top concern.  Our units are designed to be priced in line with current legacy HVAC hardware. More importantly, energy savings reduce operating expenses such that over the life of the equipment you will save tens of thousands of dollars.

It’s all about achieving double bottom line value. Mojave delivers significantly lower financial and climate expenses, as well as improved comfort, without any compromise on quality, reliability or capital expense.